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19 Days to Lose Weight

Lucy wanted to lose weight and get healthier.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. thinking about losing weight with determination

She researched and made a plan for herself.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. researching and planning for her weight loss

Every morning, Lucy woke up early and exercised.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. exercising with determination in the morning

She ate healthy meals and avoided sugary snacks.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. eating healthy food and avoiding sweets

Lucy faced challenges and wanted to give up.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. feeling discouraged but determined to keep going

She reminded herself of her goal and kept trying.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. motivating herself to persevere and reach her goal

After 19 days, Lucy achieved her weight loss goal!

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. celebrating her success with pride and happiness

She felt healthier, happier, and more confident.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. feeling healthier, happier, and more confident

Lucy's determination taught her to never give up.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. learning the value of determination and perseverance

She knew that with determination, anything was possible.

A determined girl with brown hair and athletic clothes. realizing the power of determination to achieve anything

Reflection Questions

  • What was Lucy's goal?
  • What challenges did Lucy face?
  • What did Lucy learn from her journey?

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