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A Black Girl Goes to Space
Omuwala Omuddugavu Agenda Mu bwengula
Once upon a time, there was a brave and curious black girl named Ava. She dreamed of exploring the vastness of space. With her bright smile and curly hair, Ava knew that anything was possible. So one day, she hopped into her spaceship and set off on a thrilling adventure. Edda ennyo, waaliwo omuwala omuddugavu omuvumu era ayagala okumanya ebisingawo ayitibwa Ava. Yaloose ng’agenda okunoonyereza ku bunene bw’obwengula. Olw’akamwenyumwenyu ke akatangaala n’enviiri ze eziriko enkokola, Ava yali akimanyi nti buli kimu kisoboka. N’olwekyo olunaku lumu, yabuuka mu mmeeri ye ey’omu bwengula n’asitula okugenda ku lugendo olusanyusa.
Brave black girl with curly hair, bright smile. with curly hair and a bright smile in a spaceship.
As Ava zoomed through the stars, she marveled at the dazzling colors that surrounded her. She spotted planets of various shapes and sizes. Curiosity filled her heart as she wondered what secrets they held. Ava eagerly pressed buttons and levers, piloting her spaceship with confidence. Ava bwe yali agenda akuba emmunyeenye, yeewuunya langi ezimasamasa ezaali zimwetoolodde. Yalaba pulaneti ez’enkula n’obunene obw’enjawulo. Okwagala okumanya kwajjula omutima gwe nga yeebuuza ebyama bye balina. Ava yanyiga buttons ne levers n’obwagazi, ng’avuga emmeeri ye ey’omu bwengula n’obwesige.
Brave black girl with curly hair, bright smile. in a spaceship surrounded by colorful stars and planets.
On her journey, Ava encountered a group of friendly aliens. They had purple skin, big round eyes, and long antennae. Despite their differences, they welcomed Ava with open arms. They taught her about their world and showed her the beauty of friendship across galaxies. Mu lugendo lwe, Ava yasanga ekibinja ky’abagwira ab’omukwano. Zaali zirina olususu olwa kakobe, amaaso amanene ag’ekyekulungirivu, ne antenna empanvu. Wadde nga baalina obutakkaanya, baayaniriza Ava n’emikono emiggule. Baamuyigiriza ebikwata ku nsi yaabwe era ne bamulaga obulungi bw’omukwano okuyita mu bibinja by’emmunyeenye.
Purple-skinned, round-eyed, antennae, friendly and welcoming. with purple skin, round eyes, and long antennae.
The further Ava traveled, the more she realized that she was an inspiration to other little girls who looked like her. She knew she had broken barriers and shattered stereotypes. With perseverance and determination, Ava proved that skin color doesn't limit dreams. She was proud to be a role model for future space explorers. Ava gye yakoma okutambula, gye yakoma okukitegeera nti yali inspiration eri abawala abalala abato abaali bamufaanana. Yali akimanyi nti yamenye ebiziyiza n’okumenyawo endowooza ezitali zimu. Olw’okugumiikiriza n’obumalirivu, Ava yakakasa nti langi y’olususu tekoma ku birooto. Yali yenyumiriza mu kubeera ekyokulabirako eri abagenda okunoonyereza mu bwengula mu biseera eby’omu maaso.
Brave black girl with curly hair, bright smile. standing proudly as an inspiration to other girls.
As Ava's spaceship headed back home, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the incredible adventure she had experienced. The vastness of space had opened her eyes to endless possibilities. With a heart full of joy and an insatiable curiosity, Ava knew that she would never stop dreaming or exploring. Nga emmeeri ya Ava eyolekera okudda eka, teyasobola butawulira nga yeebaza olw’olugendo olutali lwa bulijjo lwe yali ayiseemu. Obunene bw’obwengula bwali bumuzibudde amaaso n’alaba ebintu ebiyinza okuggwaawo. Ng’omutima gujjudde essanyu n’okwegomba okutakkuta, Ava yali akimanyi nti tagenda kulekera awo kuloota oba okunoonyereza.
Brave black girl with curly hair, bright smile. looking out of her spaceship with a joyful expression.

Reflection Questions

  • What can you learn from Ava's story?
  • How did the aliens treat Ava?
  • Why was Ava proud?

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