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A Boy and His Pet T-Rex in Australia

Alex and his T-Rex, Dino, arrived in Australia.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes at the Sydney Opera House

They saw an aardvark digging in the outback.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes watching an aardvark dig

They met a baboon swinging in the rainforest.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes with a swinging baboon

They found a crocodile in the Great Barrier Reef.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes swimming with a crocodile

They spotted a dingo running in the desert.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes chasing a running dingo

They watched an echidna curl up in Blue Mountains.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes observing a curled up echidna

They saw a flying fox hanging in a eucalyptus tree.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes looking at a hanging flying fox

They played with a gazelle on the grasslands.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cap and Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and yellow eyes having fun with a gazelle

Reflection Questions

  • How did Dino get to Australia with Alex?
  • Which animal did they see in the Blue Mountains?
  • What color cap was Alex wearing?

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