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A Brave Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a brave father named Jack and his son Alex. They lived in a cozy cottage near a big forest.

Who are the main characters in the story?

  • A) Liam and Lily
  • B) Emma and Sara
  • C) Jack and Alex
  • D) Lisa and Michael
Father and son sitting in a cozy cottage near a forest.

One sunny morning, Jack and Alex decided to go on a brave adventure together. They put on their hats and packed some snacks.

What did Jack and Alex pack for their adventure?

  • A) Hats and snacks
  • B) Toys and books
  • C) Gloves and scarves
  • D) Umbrellas and raincoats
Father and son wearing hats, holding a backpack and snacks.

As they walked through the forest, they came across a big river. They needed to cross it but didn't know how.

What did they come across in the forest?

  • A) A deep cave
  • B) A big river
  • C) A big mountain
  • D) A tall building
Father and son standing near a big river in the forest.

Jack carefully listened to the sound of the water and remembered a story his grandmother had told him long ago.

What did Jack do when he heard the sound of the water?

  • A) He took out his phone and called for help
  • B) He closed his eyes and danced
  • C) He listened carefully and remembered a story
  • D) He jumped into the river
Brave father wearing a brown hat and a green jacket listening to the sound of the river, with his grandmother in his thoughts.

He told Alex about a magical bridge made by friendly fairies that would appear if they said the secret word 'listen'.

What did Jack tell Alex about?

  • A) A talking tree with special powers
  • B) A hidden cave full of surprises
  • C) A magical bridge made by fairies
  • D) A secret treasure hidden in the forest
Brave father wearing a brown hat and a green jacket telling Curious son wearing a red hat and a blue jacket about the magical bridge with fairies.

So, they both shouted the secret word 'listen' as loud as they could, and miraculously, a beautiful bridge appeared!

What happened when they shouted the secret word 'listen'?

  • A) They got lost in the forest
  • B) A magical bridge appeared
  • C) It started raining
  • D) A giant dragon appeared
Father and son shouting 'listen' and a bridge magically appearing.

They crossed the bridge together and continued on their adventure, feeling proud of their good listening skills.

How did they feel after crossing the bridge?

  • A) Sad and lonely
  • B) Happy and proud
  • C) Angry and frustrated
  • D) Scared and tired
Father and son crossing the magical bridge hand in hand.

Finally, after a long and exciting day, Jack and Alex returned home, knowing that they could conquer any challenge by listening carefully.

What did they learn from their adventure?

  • A) They could conquer any challenge by listening carefully
  • B) They should never go on an adventure
  • C) Adventures are boring
  • D) Listening is not important
Father and son happily entering their cozy cottage at sunset.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Jack and Alex find the magical bridge?
  • What secret word did they say to make the bridge appear?
  • What did they learn from their adventure?

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