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A Breakfast Disaster
Un desastre de desayuno
It was a sunny morning and Tommy was excited to have breakfast. He ran downstairs and saw his mom making pancakes. Era una mañana soleada y Tommy estaba emocionado por desayunar. Corrió escaleras abajo y vio a su mamá haciendo panqueques.
Tommy sees his mom cooking pancakes in the kitchen
Tommy couldn't wait for the pancakes to be ready, so he started jumping up and down in anticipation. But his mom told him to be patient and wait. Tommy no podía esperar a que los panqueques estuvieran listos, así que comenzó a saltar de un lado a otro con anticipación. Pero su mamá le dijo que tuviera paciencia y esperara.
Tommy jumping up and down, mom telling him to be patient
Tommy tried to wait patiently, but he was getting more and more impatient. He asked his mom if the pancakes were ready yet. Tommy trató de esperar pacientemente, pero se impacientaba cada vez más. Le preguntó a su mamá si los panqueques ya estaban listos.
Tommy looking at the clock, mom stirring the pancake batter
His mom smiled and said, 'Not yet, Tommy. We need to let the batter sit for a little while.' Tommy sighed and sat down at the table. Su mamá sonrió y dijo: 'Todavía no, Tommy. Tenemos que dejar reposar la masa un rato. Tommy suspiró y se sentó a la mesa.
Mom telling Tommy the pancakes need time to sit
While waiting, Tommy decided to draw some pictures to pass the time. He drew pictures of pancakes and smiled. Mientras esperaba, Tommy decidió hacer algunos dibujos para pasar el tiempo. Hizo dibujos de panqueques y sonrió.
Tommy drawing pictures of pancakes happily
Finally, his mom called out, 'Breakfast is ready!' Tommy rushed to the table and saw a stack of golden pancakes waiting for him. Finalmente, su mamá gritó: '¡El desayuno está listo!' Tommy corrió hacia la mesa y vio una pila de panqueques dorados esperándolo.
Tommy excitedly running to the table, mom placing pancakes on a plate
Tommy took a big bite and it was delicious! The wait was definitely worth it. He thanked his mom for the yummy pancakes. ¡Tommy le dio un gran mordisco y estaba delicioso! La espera definitivamente valió la pena. Le agradeció a su mamá por los deliciosos panqueques.
Tommy enjoying his first bite of pancakes, mom smiling at him
From that day on, Tommy learned that sometimes you have to be patient to enjoy something really special like a delicious breakfast. A partir de ese día, Tommy aprendió que a veces hay que tener paciencia para disfrutar de algo realmente especial como un delicioso desayuno.
Tommy looking at the pancakes with patience

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Tommy excited about breakfast?
  • Why did Tommy have to be patient?
  • What did Tommy learn from this experience?

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