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A Country That Protects Women

In a small country, they decided to protect women

A picture of a country with a flag

They recognized the right to a life free from violence for women

A picture of a woman feeling safe and happy

Women were supported and given help when they needed it

A picture of Strong and confident women with colorful clothes supporting each other

Everyone learned to treat women with respect and kindness

A picture of people being respectful and kind

Women felt empowered and were able to achieve their dreams

A picture of a woman achieving her dream

Girls grew up knowing they could be whatever they wanted

A picture of Happy and playful girls with colorful dresses dreaming big

Love and equality were celebrated in this country

A picture of people celebrating love and equality

It became an example for the whole world to follow

A picture of the world looking up to the country

Reflection Questions

  • Why is it important to protect women?
  • How can we treat women with respect and kindness?
  • Why is it important for girls to know they can achieve their dreams?

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