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A Day at School

Sarah wakes up and gets dressed.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. getting dressed in her bedroom

Sarah has breakfast with her family.

Family eating breakfast at the kitchen table

Sarah and her mom walk to school.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. and her mom holding hands, walking to school

Sarah hangs her backpack and puts on her shoes.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. hanging her backpack on a hook and wearing her shoes

Sarah listens to her teacher during circle time.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. sitting in a circle with her classmates and teacher

Sarah plays with her friends during recess.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. playing and laughing with her friends in the playground

Sarah learns new things in class.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. raising her hand to answer a question in class

Sarah eats lunch with her classmates.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. and her classmates sitting at a lunch table together

Sarah paints a picture in art class.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. painting a colorful picture in an art classroom

Sarah goes home and tells her family about her day.

Sarah is a cheerful girl with brown hair and glasses. happily chatting with her family about her school day

Reflection Questions

  • What does Sarah do in the morning?
  • Who does Sarah walk to school with?
  • What does Sarah do during recess?

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