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A Day at the Zoo

The Johnsons went to the zoo on Saturday.

Family walking through zoo entrance with tickets in hand

Mom and Dad asked Carrie and Jack which animals they wanted to see first.

Family standing in front of map, excitedly pointing

Carrie and Jack chose to see the lions first.

Family surrounded by tall grass, sneaking peeks at lions

Next, they visited the penguins and laughed at their waddling.

Family gathered around penguins, holding their tummies laughing

After that, they found their favorite monkeys swinging from the tree branches.

Family staring up at monkeys, amazed by their acrobatics

They also watched the elephants take a bath in a big pool.

Family watching elephants playfully spraying water with their trunks

Carrie and Jack enjoyed feeding the colorful birds in the bird aviary.

Family holding bird feeders while colorful birds perch on their hands

Finally, the Johnsons sat down to enjoy a picnic lunch in the sunny zoo park.

Family sitting on a blanket, eating sandwiches and enjoying ice cream

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