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A Day of Play in the Backyard

Once upon a time, there were two siblings named Ana and Ernesto. They loved playing in their backyard every day. One sunny afternoon, while they were playing, they noticed a strange light coming from beneath the plants in the garden. Curiously, they approached it, and to their amazement, they discovered a small hole that led to a magical kingdom.

Page 1: A young girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes She loves wearing colorful dresses and A little boy with light brown hair and sparkling green eyes He wears a cap and enjoys wearing superhero shirts playing in their backyard, discovering a light under the plants

Excited about their discovery, Ana and Ernesto decided to explore the magical kingdom. As they crawled through the hole, they found themselves surrounded by colorful flowers, talking animals, and friendly fairies. It was like a dream come true!

Page 2: A young girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes She loves wearing colorful dresses and A little boy with light brown hair and sparkling green eyes He wears a cap and enjoys wearing superhero shirts entering the magical kingdom, seeing talking animals and fairies

In this magical realm, they met a wise old owl who told them about a hidden treasure. The owl said that the treasure could only be found by those who were kind and helpful to others. Determined to find the treasure, Ana and Ernesto set off on an adventure, helping everyone they encountered along the way.

Page 3: A young girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes She loves wearing colorful dresses, A little boy with light brown hair and sparkling green eyes He wears a cap and enjoys wearing superhero shirts, and the An owl with gray and white feathers It has large, wise-looking eyes, embarking on an adventure to find the hidden treasure

Throughout their journey, Ana and Ernesto learned the importance of kindness, friendship, and empathy. They discovered that even the smallest acts of kindness could make a big difference in someone's life. Finally, after overcoming several challenges, they found the hidden treasure and realized that the real magic was in their hearts all along.

Page 4: A young girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes She loves wearing colorful dresses and A little boy with light brown hair and sparkling green eyes He wears a cap and enjoys wearing superhero shirts learning about kindness, friendship, and finding the hidden treasure

Reflection Questions

  • How did Ana and Ernesto find the magical kingdom?
  • What did they learn during their adventure?
  • Why was kindness important in finding the hidden treasure?

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