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A Day with Confident Sam
يوم مع سام واثق
Every morning, Sam wakes up bright and early. كل صباح ، يستيقظ سام مبكرًا.
Sam waking up with a smile on his face
He brushes his teeth and gets dressed quickly. ينظف أسنانه ويرتدي ملابسه بسرعة.
Sam brushing his teeth with a toothbrush and wearing his clothes
Sam eats a healthy breakfast with his family. سام يأكل فطورًا صحيًا مع عائلته.
Sam, Mom, and Dad sitting at the table and eating
At school, Sam raises his hand to answer questions. في المدرسة ، يرفع سام يده للإجابة على الأسئلة.
Sam standing in class with his hand raised
During recess, Sam confidently tries new things on the playground. أثناء الاستراحة ، يحاول Sam بثقة القيام بأشياء جديدة في الملعب.
Sam playing on swings, slide, and climbing structure
After school, Sam helps his mom with chores. بعد المدرسة ، يساعد سام والدته في الأعمال المنزلية.
Sam and Mom cleaning the house together
At bedtime, Sam feels proud of his day and falls asleep with a smile. في وقت النوم ، يشعر سام بالفخر بيومه وينام بابتسامة.
Sam lying in bed, looking happy and sleepy

Reflection Questions

  • How does Sam start his day?
  • What does Sam do when he has a question at school?
  • How does Sam feel at bedtime?

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