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A Dog Goes to the Moon

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit the dog with a wagging tail

Max dreamed of going to the moon one night.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit looks up at the moon in wonder

He built a rocket and zoomed through the sky.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit and his rocket soaring through the clouds

He landed on the moon and explored with joy.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit jumping happily on the moon's surface

He met some friendly aliens who played games.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit and aliens laughing and playing together

Max learned about their home and their cool gadgets.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit amazed by the aliens' colorful gadgets

He waved goodbye and flew back to Earth.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit waving goodbye from his rocket

Max was happy to share his moon adventure with friends.

A brown dog with floppy ears and a red rocket suit surrounded by his happy friends listening intently

Reflection Questions

  • How did Max feel when he landed on the moon?
  • What did Max learn from the friendly aliens?
  • Why was Max happy to share his adventure?

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