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A Dragon's Adventure in Space

Once upon a time, there was a friendly dragon named Dexter.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack the dragon in a green forest, smiling

Dexter loved learning and exploring new things.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack reading books in a cozy library

One day, Dexter heard about the solar system and became curious.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack with a telescope, looking up at the stars

He decided to build a special rocket to travel through space.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack building a colorful rocket in his backyard

Dexter flew past the moon, planets, and shining stars.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack in his rocket, zooming in space surrounded by planets

He met friendly aliens who shared knowledge about the solar system.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack and aliens in colorful spacesuits sharing books and information

Dexter listened carefully and learned fascinating facts.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack sitting attentively on a space rock, listening to the aliens

Returning home, Dexter shared his newfound knowledge with friends.

Green dragon with a smile and a purple backpack surrounded by happy animal friends, sharing space facts

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Dexter decide to build a rocket?
  • What did Dexter learn from the aliens in space?
  • Why was it important for Dexter to listen carefully?

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