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A Dragon's Day Off

Once upon a time, in a land of make-believe, there was a friendly dragon named Sparky.

A dragon named Friendly dragon with green scales, big eyes, and a happy face with green scales and big eyes, sitting next to a cozy dragon cave.

Sparky loved soaring through the sky and breathing fire, but one day, he decided he needed a break.

Friendly dragon with green scales, big eyes, and a happy face flying in the sky, surrounded by fluffy white clouds, with a tired expression on his face.

He spent his day off playing hide-and-seek with his dragon friends and exploring a magical forest.

Friendly dragon with green scales, big eyes, and a happy face playing hide-and-seek with other dragons in a colorful forest with tall trees and butterflies.

He also enjoyed splashing in a sparkling blue lake and napping under a shady tree.

Friendly dragon with green scales, big eyes, and a happy face splashing happily in a blue lake, water droplets flying everywhere, and then snoozing under a cool tree.

At sunset, Sparky returned to his dragon cave, feeling refreshed and ready for another adventure.

Friendly dragon with green scales, big eyes, and a happy face entering his cozy dragon cave, with a satisfied smile on his face, as the sun sets in the background.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Sparky decide to take a break?
  • What did Sparky do during his day off?
  • How did Sparky feel after his day off?

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