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A Family's Dream Vacation

Amit and Bhavika sat at the dining table, discussing their upcoming foreign tour with their children, Zeel and Preet.

Middle-aged man wearing glasses and a blue shirt and Elegant woman with long black hair and a purple dress sitting at the dining table, talking.

Excitedly, Amit shared the details of the tour, describing the beautiful places they would visit and the fun activities they could do.

Middle-aged man wearing glasses and a blue shirt speaking with enthusiasm while pointing at a travel brochure.

Bhavika listened intently, her eyes shining with anticipation. She couldn't believe they were finally going on a grand adventure as a family.

Elegant woman with long black hair and a purple dress with a happy expression, leaning forward and listening.

Zeel, their curious teenage daughter, asked, 'Will we get to see famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty?'

Teenage girl with wavy brown hair and a pink shirt looking excited and asking a question.

Amit smiled and replied, 'Absolutely! We will explore Paris, New York, and many other iconic cities.'

Middle-aged man wearing glasses and a blue shirt responding to Teenage girl with wavy brown hair and a pink shirt's question with enthusiasm.

Preet, their younger son, chimed in, 'Can we try different cuisines there? I want to taste pizza in Italy!'

Young boy with a mischievous smile, wearing a yellow t-shirt grinning and expressing his desire to try different cuisines.

Bhavika nodded, adding, 'Yes, Preet! We will savour delicious dishes from around the world.'

Elegant woman with long black hair and a purple dress agreeing with Young boy with a mischievous smile, wearing a yellow t-shirt and smiling.

Excitement filled the room as the family continued planning their dream vacation together.

Middle-aged man wearing glasses and a blue shirt, Elegant woman with long black hair and a purple dress, Teenage girl with wavy brown hair and a pink shirt, and Young boy with a mischievous smile, wearing a yellow t-shirt gathered around the table, full of joy.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bhavika feel about the family's upcoming foreign tour?
  • What landmarks did Zeel mention?
  • What cuisine did Preet express his desire to try?

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