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A Helping Hand

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jamal. He had a hard time talking to others.

Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile, black boy with communication challenges

Jamal loved playing at the park, but sometimes the noises and bright lights made it overwhelming for him.

Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile at the park, bright lights and loud noises

One day, while playing alone, Jamal accidentally bumped into a girl named Lily.

Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile bumps into Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat

Lily noticed that Jamal was having trouble speaking and understood he needed help.

Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat sees Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile's communication challenges

Lily took Jamal's hand and they played together, making sure they both felt comfortable.

Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat holding Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile's hand, playing together

They went on the swings and Lily pushed Jamal gently, making him feel excited and happy.

Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat pushes Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile on the swings

Jamal smiled and tried his best to say 'thank you' to Lily, feeling grateful for her kindness.

Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile smiles and says thank you to Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat

From that day on, Jamal and Lily became good friends, always looking out for each other.

Black boy with communication challenges, kind smile and Girl with a caring heart, always wearing a red hat become good friends

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Jamal have a hard time talking to others?
  • How did Lily help Jamal at the park?
  • What happened at the end of the story?

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