Once upon a time in a colorful jungle, a kind lion named Leo lived. All the animals loved Leo, but he didn't have any friends. Leo wanted someone to play with. He decided to solve this problem.
Leo saw a playful monkey swinging from trees. He approached the monkey and asked, 'Will you be my friend?' The monkey replied, 'I cannot be your friend because I live high up in the trees, and you are too big to climb them.' Leo thought of a solution.
Leo found a small tortoise hiding in its shell. He asked the tortoise, 'Will you be my friend?' The tortoise replied, 'I cannot be your friend because I am too slow, and you are too fast.' Leo thought of a solution.
Leo met a chatty parrot perched on a tree branch. He asked the parrot, 'Will you be my friend?' The parrot replied, 'I cannot be your friend because I cannot fly far, and you can run too fast.' Leo thought of a solution.
One day, Leo saw an elephant with a strong trunk. He asked the elephant, 'Will you be my friend?' The elephant smiled and said, 'Of course! I am strong enough to carry you, and we can explore together.' Leo was overjoyed to have found a true friend.
Reflection Questions