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A Little Boy's First Day of School

It was the little boy's first day of school. He was excited and nervous at the same time. The school bell rang, and he walked into his new classroom.

Bright classroom with children, bell ringing, mixed feelings

The teacher introduced herself and asked everyone to find their seats. The little boy found a seat next to a girl with glasses. The girl smiled at him, and they soon became friends.

Teacher introducing, boy finding seat next to Black hair, pink dress, eyeglasses, happy face

During class, the teacher taught about responsibility. She explained that it means doing our tasks and taking care of our belongings. The little boy listened carefully.

Classroom with teacher teaching about responsibility

After the lesson, it was time for lunch. The little boy had packed his favorite sandwich and a juice box. He noticed his friend had forgotten her lunch. He shared his sandwich with her.

Boy sharing lunch with friend, lunchboxes, kindness

In the afternoon, the children had art time. The little boy enjoyed painting and being creative. He kept his art supplies neat and cleaned up his mess when he was done.

Children painting, boy organizing art supplies, creativity

As the day came to an end, the teacher praised the little boy for being responsible. She said he had shown kindness, shared, and taken care of his things. The little boy felt proud.

Teacher praising boy for responsibility, feeling proud

On the way home, the little boy noticed some trash on the sidewalk. He remembered the lesson about responsibility and picked up the trash, keeping the surroundings clean.

Boy picking up trash, responsible action

When he reached home, the little boy told his parents all about his first day of school. They hugged him tightly and praised him for being responsible and caring. The little boy smiled.

Boy sharing experience with parents, feeling loved and praised

Reflection Questions

  • Why was the little boy excited and nervous on his first day of school?
  • What did the little boy learn about in school?
  • Can you think of a way to show responsibility in your daily life?

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