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A Little Cloud's Big Dream

Once upon a time, there was a little cloud.

A small, fluffy cloud floating in the sky

The little cloud dreamt of becoming a big storm.

The cloud imagining itself growing larger and stronger

It watched the big storms with awe and wonder.

The Small, fluffy cloud with a dream looking up at the powerful storms

One day, the little cloud asked a wise old cloud how it could become a big storm.

The Small, fluffy cloud with a dream talking to a wise, gray cloud

The wise old cloud said, 'You must gather all the energy from the wind and water around you.'

The wise cloud giving advice to the Small, fluffy cloud with a dream

So the little cloud began gathering energy from the wind and the water.

The Small, fluffy cloud with a dream absorbing energy from the surroundings

As days passed, the little cloud grew bigger and stronger.

The Small, fluffy cloud with a dream getting larger and more powerful

Finally, the time came when the little cloud turned into a big storm.

The Small, fluffy cloud with a dream transforming into a mighty storm

It rained heavily, and there were flashes of lightning.

The big storm releasing rain and lightning bolts

The little cloud had achieved its dream of becoming a big storm.

The big storm looking proud and satisfied

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