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A Magical Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small village...

A village surrounded by tall, green mountains

There lived a little boy named Ben.

Ben playing with his toys in his room

One day, Ben's mom decided to surprise him.

Ben's mom holding a box of art supplies

She brought out a box filled with colorful paints, brushes, and paper.

A table with paints, brushes, and paper

Ben's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Ben jumping up and down with a big smile

He couldn't wait to create his own magical masterpiece.

Ben imagining a beautiful painting in his mind

Ben sat down at the table and began to paint.

Ben painting a picture of a unicorn

As he painted, his imagination soared.

Ben's mind filled with colorful and magical images

He created a world of flying dragons and talking animals.

Ben's painting coming to life with dragons and animals

Ben felt like a true artist, full of creative power.

Ben standing proudly next to his masterpiece

Reflection Questions

  • What did Ben's mom surprise him with?
  • What did Ben imagine while painting?
  • How did Ben feel after finishing his painting?

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