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A Menina que Dormia Tarde

Era uma vez uma menina chamada Sofia que adorava dormir tarde.

A visual description of the first page shows A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max, a young girl with brown hair and green eyes, lying in bed surrounded by stars and a moon. She looks happy and relaxed.

Todas as noites, Sofia ficava acordada até tarde brincando e assistindo desenhos animados.

The second page shows A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max sitting on her bed, still awake, with toys scattered around her. It is nighttime, and there is a clock on the wall showing a late hour.

Mas, de manhã, Sofia sempre estava muito cansada para aproveitar o dia.

The third page depicts a tired A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max yawning while trying to drink her cereal. The sun is shining outside, but A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max looks groggy and sleepy.

Um dia, um passarinho veio visitar Sofia e contou a ela uma história especial.

On the fourth page, a little bird is perched on A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max's windowsill, telling her a story. A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max listens attentively, with a surprised and interested expression.

O passarinho disse que quando dormimos cedo, acordamos cheios de energia e prontos para aproveitar o dia.

The fifth page shows A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max imagining herself waking up early and full of energy. She is outside, playing with friends under the bright sun.

Sofia decidiu ouvir o conselho do passarinho e começou a dormir mais cedo todas as noites.

On the final page, A young girl with brown hair and green eyes, 5 words max is seen lying in bed with her eyes closed, peacefully sleeping. The moon and stars surround her, indicating a calm and restful night's sleep.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Sofia feel when she stayed up late every night?
  • Who came to visit Sofia and told her a special story?
  • Why did Sofia start sleeping earlier?

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