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A New Friend

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a boy named Matteo. He loved playing soccer and eating his Nonna's pasta.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey playing soccer with his friends in the village

One day, a new family moved to the village. They were from a faraway land and spoke a different language. Matteo was curious.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey looking at the new family with curiosity

Matteo decided to approach the new boy, Ali, with a big smile. They played together even though they couldn't understand each other.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey and Black hair, brown eyes, wearing a green sweater playing soccer and laughing

Matteo invited Ali to join his friends at the village school. They painted together and learned each other's languages.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey, Black hair, brown eyes, wearing a green sweater, and their friends painting and laughing

As the days passed, Matteo's other friends saw how much fun Matteo and Ali were having, and they welcomed Ali with open arms.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey, Black hair, brown eyes, wearing a green sweater, and their friends playing soccer together

The village celebrated their diversity, hosting a big party with music, food, and traditions from around the world.

The village celebrating with music, food, and dance

Matteo realized that being inclusive and making new friends was important. He felt proud of himself and his village.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey smiling and feeling proud with his friends

From that day on, Matteo, Ali, and all of their friends made sure everyone felt included and welcomed in their village.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a red soccer jersey, Black hair, brown eyes, wearing a green sweater, and their friends holding hands and smiling

Reflection Questions

  • How did Matteo feel when he saw the new family?
  • What did Matteo and Ali do together even though they didn't speak the same language?
  • What did the village do to celebrate their diversity?

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