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A Relaxing Life by the Sea

Emily and Lily used to live in a busy city.

Sisters in city, tall buildings in background, cars

They moved to a village by the sea.

House by sea, sand, mountains, blue sky

Their big house made them feel safe and happy.

Big house, warm colors, sun shining

They wanted to live a relaxed life with nature.

Girls playing with flowers, trees and grass

They discovered a community with people of all ages.

Old and young people together, holding hands

Some people were fishermen selling their catch.

Fishermen with nets, fish in baskets

Others grew fresh vegetables and sold them online.

Garden with vegetables, person with smartphone

Now they felt like they were on a fun trip.

Girls playing on a sandy beach, smiling

They loved their new home by the seaside.

Girls hugging parents, house in background

It was the safest and happiest place for them.

Sisters jumping with joy, surrounded by love

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