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A Responsible Bike Ride

One sunny day, Sarah's dad took her for a bike ride.

Sarah and her dad riding bikes on a sunny day

Sarah loved riding her pink bike with the sparkly streamers.

Sarah smiling and riding her pink bike

Before they started, her dad reminded her to wear her helmet.

Dad helping Sarah put on her helmet

Sarah felt safe and responsible with her helmet on.

Sarah smiling and pointing at her helmet

They pedaled down the street, feeling the cool breeze on their faces.

Sarah and her dad riding bikes down the street

Sarah spotted a stray kitten by the sidewalk.

Sarah and dad noticing a stray kitten

She asked her dad if they could help the kitten find its home.

Sarah looking up at her dad, pointing at the kitten

Her dad agreed, and they carefully picked up the kitten.

Dad holding the kitten while Sarah watches

They knocked on doors, trying to find the kitten's owner.

Sarah and dad going door to door with the kitten

Finally, they found the kitten's owner and happily returned it.

Sarah, dad, and the kitten with its happy owner

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Sarah's dad ask her to wear a helmet?
  • What did Sarah and her dad find on the sidewalk?
  • Why was it important for them to find the kitten's owner?

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