Once upon a time, in a vibrant village called Bilahore, there lived a clever girl named Amina. She had an honest heart and a sparkly mind. One day, Amina's mom tells her a secret, 'Amina, I want to find a kind and honest father for you. Would you like that?' Amina's eyes glow with excitement and she exclaims, 'Yes, mommy! Let's find a baba!'
Amina hugs her mom and sets off on a journey through the winding roads of Bilahore. Along the way, they meet a grumpy old man named Hassan. With his long white beard and a bright red turban, he asks, 'Hello young ones, are you in search of something?' 'Yes,' Amina replies, 'We are looking for an honest father.' Hassan grins, 'Well, I may know someone who fits that description.'
Hassan leads them to a small cottage at the edge of the village. Inside, they meet a jolly man named Abdul. With his round belly and polka-dotted hat, he laughs and says, 'Ah, you are looking for an honest father, are you? Well, I can assure you, I am the one!' Amina smiles but feels unsure. She whispers to her mom, 'Can we trust him?'
Amina's mom nods and asks Abdul to prove his honesty. Abdul eagerly accepts the challenge and says, 'I will take care of this little bird's nest. If it's still here tomorrow, you will know I am true to my word.' Amina and her mom leave, hoping for the bird's safe return. The next day, they rush back to the cottage. As they arrive, a colorful bird happily sings in the nest. Amina gleefully says, 'Abdul, you are truly an honest baba!'
Finally, Amina has found an honest father. Amina, her mom, and Abdul decide to form a loving family. From that day forward, they cherish each other and live happily in their little cottage, filled with warmth, laughter, and the joy of honesty!
Reflection Questions