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A Special Day: Amy's Baptism

Amy loved going to Sunday school every week.

Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe smiling in a church classroom with other girlren

One day, her teacher talked about baptism.

Kind woman in a teacher's robe with a gentle smile holding a picture book about baptism

Baptism is a special ceremony in the Christian faith.

Illustration of a church with people gathered to baptize

It's a way for people to show their love for Jesus.

girlren holding hands and smiling at Jesus

Amy knew it was something she wanted to do.

Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe praying in her room with a smile

She talked to her parents and the pastor at church.

Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe talking with her parents and pastor in the church

They explained how immersion baptism works.

Illustration of someone being immersed in water surrounded by people

One Sunday, Amy was ready for her baptism.

Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe wearing a white robe and standing by the baptismal pool

The pastor gently lowered her into the water.

Tall man in a suit with a friendly face holding Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe's hand, dipping her into the water

Amy felt God's love surround her in that moment.

Brown-haired girl with sparkling eyes, wearing a white robe's face glowing with a warm, bright light

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