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A Special Occasion

It was Bella's fourteenth birthday, and she couldn't contain her excitement. She had been looking forward to this day for weeks. Bella's parents had planned a surprise party for her with all of her closest friends and family. As Bella walked into the room, she was greeted by shouts of 'Happy Birthday!' and the sight of colorful balloons and streamers. She couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Happy, excited, wearing a colorful party dress and a sparkly tiara.'s surprise birthday party, filled with joy and colors.

The party was in full swing, with music playing and everyone dancing. Bella's best friend, Emily, was by her side the entire time. They laughed, sang, and danced together as if they were the only ones in the room. Bella felt so grateful to have such amazing friends and family who cared about her so much.

Happy, excited, wearing a colorful party dress and a sparkly tiara. and Bella's best friend, wearing a matching party dress and a big smile. having a great time at the party.

As the evening went on, Bella's parents brought out a beautiful birthday cake with fourteen lit candles. Everyone gathered around as Bella made a wish and blew out the candles. She closed her eyes tight, hoping her wish would come true. Bella couldn't help but feel lucky to have such a special moment shared with her loved ones.

Happy, excited, wearing a colorful party dress and a sparkly tiara. blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.

Afterwards, Bella's parents handed her a stack of beautifully wrapped presents. Each one held a surprise inside. Bella opened them one by one, amazed by the thoughtfulness of each gift. From a new book to a necklace, Bella felt loved and appreciated. She thanked everyone for making her birthday so special.

Happy, excited, wearing a colorful party dress and a sparkly tiara. opening presents and feeling loved by her friends and family.

As the night came to an end, Bella hugged each of her friends and family members, thanking them for being a part of her special day. She felt a deep sense of happiness and contentment. This birthday would be one she would remember forever. Bella was grateful for the memories made and the love she had received.

Happy, excited, wearing a colorful party dress and a sparkly tiara. saying goodbye to her loved ones and feeling grateful.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Bella feel at the end of the night?
  • Who was Bella's best friend at the party?
  • What did Bella do before blowing out the candles?

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