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A Special Visit

Tom was excited. His aunt, Aunt Kelly, was coming to visit. He loved spending time with her because she always made him feel special. Aunt Kelly always had a kind word for Tom and made him feel loved.

Tom looks excited as he sees Aunt Kelly arriving

When Aunt Kelly arrived, she gave Tom a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Tom felt warm and happy. They spent the day together doing fun activities like baking cookies and playing games.

Aunt Kelly hugging Tom and smiling while baking cookies

While they were baking cookies, Aunt Kelly asked Tom about school and his friends. She listened attentively to everything he had to say and asked thoughtful questions. Tom felt like Aunt Kelly really cared about him.

Aunt Kelly and Tom smiling and talking while baking cookies

In the evening, Aunt Kelly and Tom sat down to watch a movie. During the movie, Aunt Kelly always made sure to explain anything Tom didn't understand. They laughed together and enjoyed each other's company.

Aunt Kelly and Tom sitting on the couch, laughing while watching a movie

Before Aunt Kelly left, she gave Tom another hug and kiss on the cheek. She told him how much she loved spending time with him and that he could always talk to her about anything.

Aunt Kelly hugging Tom tightly They have a warm and loving moment

Tom felt so lucky to have Aunt Kelly in his life. She showed him the importance of positive communication and making someone feel loved and valued. Tom knew that he could always count on Aunt Kelly to listen and support him.

Tom smiling and looking grateful

Reflection Questions

  • What made Tom feel special when Aunt Kelly visited?
  • How did Aunt Kelly show that she cared about Tom?
  • Why did Tom feel lucky to have Aunt Kelly in his life?

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