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A Supermarket Adventure

Today, we went to the supermarket as a family.

Family walking in a supermarket with shopping carts

I held Mom's hand while Dad pushed the cart.

girl holding mom's hand while dad pushes cart

My baby brother sat in the cart, smiling at everyone.

Baby brother with white clothes and a big smile

We picked fruits and veggies, filling our bags.

Family picking fruits and veggies from the shelves

I helped choose cereal and snacks for school.

girl selecting cereal and snacks from shelves

At the cashier, we paid for our groceries.

Family at the cashier, paying for groceries

Dad carried the heavy bags to the car outside.

Short black hair, red shirt, pushing the cart carrying grocery bags to the car

It was a fun day at the supermarket with my family.

Family smiling and happy in the parking lot

Reflection Questions

  • How did the family go to the supermarket?
  • What did they buy at the supermarket?
  • Who carried the shopping bags to the car?

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