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A Tale of True Friendship

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, lived two best friends, Lily and Ruby. They were inseparable and did everything together.

Two girls in a colorful forest with flowers and trees

One sunny day, while exploring the forest, they stumbled upon a baby deer with a hurt leg. They decided to help it and named it Daisy.

Two girls helping a baby deer with a hurt leg

As the days went by, Lily, Ruby, and Daisy became the best of friends. They played hide and seek, had picnics, and laughed together.

Two girls and a baby deer having fun in nature

One stormy night, a big tree fell down and blocked the entrance to their cozy treehouse. Lily and Ruby were trapped inside!

Two girls trapped in a treehouse during a storm

But Daisy, being small and nimble, managed to squeeze through a small hole. She ran to get help from the other animals in the forest.

Baby deer running through the forest to get help

With Daisy's help, all the animals came together and worked as a team to move the fallen tree. Lily and Ruby were soon free!

Animals working together to move a fallen tree

Lily, Ruby, and Daisy were so grateful to their animal friends for helping them during the storm. From that day on, their friendship grew stronger.

Two girls and a baby deer hugging their animal friends

They realized that true friendship means always being there for each other, through good times and bad.

Two girls and a baby deer holding hands

And so, Lily, Ruby, and Daisy continued to explore the forest together, cherishing their bond of true friendship.

Two girls and a baby deer exploring the forest

The end

The end

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lily and Ruby decide to help the baby deer?
  • How did Daisy help Lily and Ruby when they were trapped?
  • What did Lily, Ruby, and Daisy learn about friendship?

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