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A Trip to Nova Scotia

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Leo.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. smiling with his colorful backpack.

Leo was very excited because he was going on vacation to Nova Scotia.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. jumping happily with a map in his hand.

On his first day in Nova Scotia, Leo met a friendly girl named Lily.

Friendly girl with a joyful expression holding a seashell. smiling and holding a seashell.

Leo and Lily explored beautiful beaches, collected seashells, and built sandcastles together.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. and Friendly girl with a joyful expression holding a seashell. laughing while building a sandcastle.

They also went on nature walks, spotting colorful birds and friendly squirrels.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. and Friendly girl with a joyful expression holding a seashell. pointing at birds and squirrels.

Leo and Lily loved playing hide-and-seek in the enchanting forests of Nova Scotia.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. and Friendly girl with a joyful expression holding a seashell. hiding behind trees in the forest.

As the vacation came to an end, Leo and Lily exchanged friendship bracelets.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. and Friendly girl with a joyful expression holding a seashell. with matching friendship bracelets on their wrists.

Leo felt happy and grateful for the wonderful friendship he found in Nova Scotia.

Young boy with a colorful backpack and a big smile. smiling with a heart full of joy and gratitude.

Reflection Questions

  • What did Leo and Lily build together on the beach?
  • How did Leo feel about his friendship with Lily?
  • Why was Leo excited about going to Nova Scotia?

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