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A Trip to the Sea

Nadia and her friends went on a trip to the sea

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit and friends at the beach, having fun

Nadia wore her swimsuit and hugged her friend Samer

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit hugging Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks, both in their swimsuits

An evil girl tried to separate them and take Samer

The evil girl has short red hair and no swimsuit causing trouble and trying to take Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks

But Nadia and Samer stayed strong, supporting each other

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit and Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks standing together, showing friendship

Nadia confronted the evil girl and defended her friend

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit standing up to the evil girl

Nadia and Samer played beach games and had so much fun

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit and Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks playing games and laughing

They built a sandcastle and collected seashells together

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit and Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks building sandcastle and collecting seashells

The evil girl learned her lesson and apologized to Nadia

The evil girl has short red hair and no swimsuit apologizing to Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit

Nadia forgave her and they all became friends in the end

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit, Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks, and evil girl found friendship

Their trip to the sea became a memory of true friendship

Nadia is a teenage girl with long brown hair and a pink swimsuit, Samer is Nadia's friend, a boy with short black hair and blue swim trunks, and evil girl at the beach, happy

Reflection Questions

  • How did Nadia and Samer show their friendship?
  • What did Nadia do when the evil girl tried to separate them?
  • How did the story end? Did everyone become friends?

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