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A Very Merry Christmas

My white dad, beautiful biracial mom, white baby brother and I spent a great Christmas together.

Family celebrating Christmas together in their cozy living room

We decorated the Christmas tree with colorful lights and shiny ornaments.

Family decorating a Christmas tree with colorful ornaments

My dad dressed up as Santa Claus and surprised us with presents.

Dad wearing a Santa Claus costume and carrying presents

We enjoyed a delicious Christmas feast with turkey, mashed potatoes, and yummy desserts.

Family sitting around a table filled with delicious food

My mom and aunt shared stories and laughter, their curly hair bouncing.

Mom and Curly-haired aunt with a vibrant personality and stylish clothes. laughing together with their curly hair

We played games, danced, and had a fun time all day long.

Family playing games and dancing together

At the end of the day, we snuggled up by the fireplace and read Christmas stories.

Family sitting together by the fireplace, reading Christmas stories

It was the best Christmas ever, filled with love and happiness.

Family hugging and smiling, filled with joy and love

Reflection Questions

  • What did the family do to celebrate Christmas?
  • Who dressed up as Santa Claus and gave presents?
  • What did the family do at the end of the day?

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