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A Visit to the Future Museum in Dubai

One sunny day, Salma and Ahmed visited the Future Museum.

Salma, a curious girl with braided hair and glasses and Ahmed, a smart boy with a baseball cap outside the Future Museum

Inside, they met an intelligent robot named Zara.

Zara the robot with a friendly smile

Zara guided them through holographic exhibits of flying cars.

Holographic flying cars zooming through the air

They saw virtual reality worlds and futuristic gadgets.

Virtual reality headset and cool futuristic gadgets

Salma and Ahmed learned about sustainable energy sources.

Wind turbines and solar panels generating renewable energy

They interacted with a hologram of a famous scientist.

Hologram scientist explaining scientific concepts with gestures

Salma and Ahmed marveled at an exhibition on space exploration.

Space rocket launching into the vast universe

They met other museum visitors from around the world.

Diverse group of people smiling and conversing

Salma and Ahmed made new friends and shared ideas.

Salma, a curious girl with braided hair and glasses and Ahmed, a smart boy with a baseball cap exchanging ideas with new friends

As they left, Zara thanked them for their positive communication.

Zara waving goodbye with gratitude

Reflection Questions

  • How did Salma and Ahmed explore the museum?
  • What did they learn about sustainable energy?
  • Why is positive communication important?

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