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A Walk Through Teldrassil

Lily and Alex, two Night Elves from Darnassus, set off on a walk through the enchanting forests of Teldrassil. The tall trees created a canopy of green and silver leaves, allowing only specks of sunlight to peek through. The air was filled with the scent of flowers and the sound of chirping birds. Hand in hand, Lily and Alex followed the winding paths, admiring the beauty of their homeland.

Lily: Blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a purple cloak and Alex: Brown hair, blue eyes, holding a wooden staff exploring the enchanting forests of Teldrassil.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a hidden glade. Sparkling waterfalls cascaded down rock formations, creating a symphony of trickling melodies. A group of playful squirrels scampered around, their red fur blending with the autumn leaves. Lily and Alex sat on a moss-covered log, mesmerized by the serene atmosphere.

Lily: Blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a purple cloak and Alex: Brown hair, blue eyes, holding a wooden staff enjoying a peaceful moment in a hidden glade.

Continuing their journey, they encountered a lost baby owl perched on a branch. Its feathers were as white as snow, with large, innocent eyes that shimmered under the moonlight. Lily gently picked up the owl, and they decided to name it Moonlight. With Moonlight on Lily's shoulder, they were now a trio of friends.

Lily: Blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a purple cloak, Alex: Brown hair, blue eyes, holding a wooden staff, and Moonlight: Baby owl with snow-white feathers, big shimmering eyes the baby owl becoming friends.

As they approached a small clearing, they noticed a wounded deer lying on the ground. Its fur was matted and its leg appeared broken. Without hesitation, Lily and Alex came to its aid. They carefully splinted the leg and provided water and food. After a while, the deer stood up and looked grateful. From that moment on, the deer followed them, forming an unbreakable bond of friendship.

Lily: Blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a purple cloak, Alex: Brown hair, blue eyes, holding a wooden staff, Moonlight: Baby owl with snow-white feathers, big shimmering eyes, and the deer forming an unbreakable bond.

The sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow on the forest. They made their way back to Darnassus, feeling proud of their adventures and the friends they had made. As they reached the city gates, Lily, Alex, Moonlight, and the deer bid each other farewell. They knew that their friendship would last forever, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Lily: Blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a purple cloak, Alex: Brown hair, blue eyes, holding a wooden staff, Moonlight: Baby owl with snow-white feathers, big shimmering eyes, and the deer saying goodbye at Darnassus.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Lily and Alex show kindness in the story?
  • Why did the deer follow Lily and Alex?
  • What did Lily, Alex, Moonlight, and the deer promise each other?

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