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Aaditya and Anurag's Fan Adventure

Aaditya took Anurag to a fan museum.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. outside the museum building

They saw big, colorful fans from around the world.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. looking at fans from different countries

Aaditya told Anurag stories about the fans' history.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. listening to stories about fans

Anurag loved the fan with peacock feathers.

Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. holding a fan with colorful peacock feathers

Aaditya and Anurag danced with a spinning ceiling fan.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. dancing with a spinning ceiling fan

They pretended to be superheroes with a handheld fan.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. pretending to be superheroes with a handheld fan

Aaditya bought Anurag a small fan as a souvenir.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. giving Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. a small fan as a gift

Aaditya and Anurag left the museum with happy memories.

Father with a blue shirt and glasses. and Happy boy with a red shirt and cap. waving goodbye to the museum

Reflection Questions

  • What did Aaditya take Anurag to?
  • Which fan did Anurag love?
  • What did Aaditya give Anurag as a gift?

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