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ABCD Story

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alex.

Boy in blue shirt playing with toys

Alex loved to play with his alphabet blocks.

Boy building tower with colorful alphabet blocks

One day, Alex's blocks went missing.

Boy looking sad with empty hands

Alex searched high and low but couldn't find them.

Boy searching under bed and in toy box

Then, his friend Ben came over to help.

Boy and friend smiling and searching together

They found the blocks in a hidden corner.

Boy and friend excitedly holding the blocks

Alex and Ben built a huge tower with the blocks and had a blast.

Boy and friend building tall tower and laughing

From that day on, Alex and Ben played with the blocks happily.

Boy and friend playing and smiling with blocks

Reflection Questions

  • How did Alex feel when his blocks went missing?
  • Who helped Alex find his blocks?
  • What did Alex and Ben build with the blocks?

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