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Adam and Eve's Choice

Eve's sin was to obey the devil, to know...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple listening to the devil in the garden

Adam's sin was to obey Eve, to love...

Short black hair, blue shirt, following Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple holding Eve's hand and following her

Eve's desire became Adam's Eve...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple and Short black hair, blue shirt, following Eve picking an apple from a tree

The apple is peeled, the unity is broken...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple and Short black hair, blue shirt, following Eve standing apart with a broken heart

They were expelled from heaven from bliss...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple and Short black hair, blue shirt, following Eve leaving the garden with sad faces

When they listen to delusion...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple and Short black hair, blue shirt, following Eve covering their ears as lies surround them

God, who loves to be known, declared a way to come back home...

White robe, long white beard, kind eyes showing them a path back to heaven

They prayed together as Muslims...

Long brown hair, green dress, holding an apple and Short black hair, blue shirt, following Eve kneeling side by side in prayer

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Eve listen to the devil?
  • What did Adam do when Eve picked the apple?
  • Why did God show them a way back to heaven?

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