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Aditya and the Helpful Ghost

Aditya was a kind and helpful boy.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands with a big smile helping others

One day, Aditya heard a strange noise in his backyard.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands looking surprised in his backyard

He went to investigate and found a friendly ghost.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands with a ghost friend, holding hands

The ghost explained that it couldn't leave the house because it had unfinished business.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands listening attentively to the ghost's explanation

Aditya asked how he could help.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands with a thoughtful expression

The ghost told Aditya about a lost necklace it needed to find.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands and the ghost searching for a necklace

Aditya searched high and low until he found the necklace.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands with a proud look holding the necklace

With the necklace back in the ghost's possession, it was finally able to move on.

Kind boy with a big smile and helpful hands and the ghost waving goodbye with smiles

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Aditya helpful and kind?
  • What did the ghost need help with?
  • How did Aditya solve the ghost's problem?

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