In a tiny boat on a vast sea, Mia and Alex floated under the sunny sky.
Pretend to rock gently like a boat on water.
Mia had hair like golden sand, while Alex's hair was as dark as the ocean depths.
Touch your hair and imagine it changing color.
The sea was calm. The friends used a worn map to look for land.
Hold an imaginary map and scan it carefully.
Mia pointed to a distant dot. 'Maybe that's where we'll find our way home,' she said.
Point far away towards the hope of finding home.
Alex nodded. They had each other and hearts full of dreams.
Put your hand on your heart and dream of a happy place.
Days passed, the sun rose and set. Stars guided them at night.
Move your arms in a circle to show the passing of days.
They saw fish of many colors, and dolphins leaping high.
Leap like a dolphin out of the water.
One morning, the sky grew dark. 'A storm is coming,' Alex whispered.
Frown and look worried about the approaching storm.
Thunder rumbled, rain poured down, and the waves grew huge.
Make a thunder sound and wave your arms like the big waves.
They held tight to the boat, working together to stay safe.
Hug yourself tightly, bracing against the storm.
The storm passed, leaving behind a rainbow stretching across the sky.
Trace a large arc in the air to make a rainbow.
Far off, they saw land. Their journey at sea was finally coming to an end.
Shade your eyes with your hand and look towards the horizon.