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เก's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named เก.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. flying in the sky with colorful feathers

เก lived in a beautiful forest filled with tall trees.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. perched on a branch with vibrant flowers

One day, เก decided to explore beyond the forest.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. with a backpack and a sense of adventure

เก flew over mountains and rivers, discovering new places.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. soaring through the clouds with excitement

During the journey, เก met new animal friends.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. surrounded by a group of happy animals

เก and the animal friends played games and laughed together.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. and friends having a fun picnic

But เก missed home and decided to return to the forest.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. flying back towards the familiar forest

When เก arrived home, all the forest animals welcomed เก warmly.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. greeted by smiling animals in the forest

เก realized that home is where the heart is.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. happily surrounded by loved ones

From that day on, เก explored the forest with friends.

A little bird with colorful feathers and a sense of adventure. and friends laughing and playing in the forest

Reflection Questions

  • Why did เก decide to explore beyond the forest?
  • What did เก learn from the journey?
  • Why did เก decide to stay in the forest with friends?

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