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Adventure at the Riverside Cabin

Un mes de aventura nos espera, iremos a una cabaña junto al río.

Introduction, siblings talking about a trip, in their living room

No sabía nada. ¿Por qué no me contaron antes?

The girl learns about the trip, surprised, curiosity

Papá dice que es una sorpresa. Tendremos tiempo en la naturaleza.

Brother explaining the surprise, revealing the purpose, in the kitchen

¿Podemos llevar el computador?

Girl asking about taking electronics, thinking what to pack, bedroom

Solo tu teléfono. Será divertido sin gadgets. Hay un río para nadar.

Brother highlighting the fun without electronics, discussing activities, backyard

Ya guardé mi traje de baño, ¿algo más?

Girl preparing for the trip, packing essentials, excitement, bedroom

No. Solo pregúntale a papá cuándo salimos y sobre la perrita Deisy.

Brother mentioning final details, reminding about pet, living room

Bueno, ¡cuidaré de ella!

Girl accepting responsibility for the pet, happy to help, garden

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think the sister was surprised about the trip?
  • How can unplugging from gadgets be beneficial during a vacation?
  • What responsibilities come with taking care of a pet like Deisy?

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