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Adventure Island

Once upon a time, there was a magical island.

A beautiful island with sparkling blue waters and lush green trees

On this island, there were three friends named Alex, Lily, and Max.

Three girlren with different colored clothes and big smiles

One day, they found a hidden treasure map!

A yellowed piece of paper with dotted lines and an X

Excitedly, they followed the map through thick jungles and across bridges.

Three girlren with different colored clothes and big smilesThe friends holding hands, walking through a jungle path

At the end of their journey, they reached a cave.

A dark cave entrance with bats hanging from the ceiling

Inside the cave, they discovered a chest filled with gold coins.

A shiny chest overflowing with sparkling gold coins

But as they reached for the coins, a giant dragon appeared!

A huge red dragon with fire coming out of its nostrils

Quickly, Lily came up with a plan to distract the dragon.

Quickly, Lily came up with a plan to distract the dragon.

While the dragon was distracted, they grabbed the treasure and ran!

Three girlren with different colored clothes and big smilesThe friends running away with the chest, laughing joyfully While the dragon was distracted, they grabbed the treasure and ran!

Back on the beach, they celebrated their successful adventure.

Three girlren with different colored clothes and big smilesThe friends sitting around a bonfire, toasting marshmallows

Reflection Questions

  • How did the friends feel when they found the treasure?
  • What did Lily do to distract the dragon?
  • How did the friends celebrate at the end?

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