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Adventures in the Jungle

Jimmy and his dragon, Max, explored the jungle.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat and Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings walking through lush jungle

They met a friendly monkey named Coco.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, and Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile laughing and playing together

Coco showed them the way to the hidden waterfall.

Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile, Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, and Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings amazed by sparkling waterfall

They found a clue to a treasure in an ancient temple.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, and Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile puzzled in front of temple

With teamwork, they solved the temple's puzzles.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, and Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile high-fiving after solving puzzle

They followed the map and found the treasure chest.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, and Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile excitedly opening treasure chest

But the chest was stuck! They needed help from a parrot.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile, and the Colorful bird with red, blue, and green feathers trying to open chest

Jimmy kindly asked the parrot for assistance.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat politely talking to the Colorful bird with red, blue, and green feathers

The parrot understood and loosened the chest's lock.

Parrot helping Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, and Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile open the chest

They all celebrated their successful adventure together.

Curious boy with short brown hair wearing a red hat, Green dragon with blue eyes and white wings, Playful monkey with brown fur and a big smile, and the Colorful bird with red, blue, and green feathers happily celebrating

Reflection Questions

  • How did Jimmy, Max, and Coco solve the temple's puzzles?
  • Who helped them open the treasure chest?
  • Why is it important to communicate with others politely?

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