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Adventures in the Snow

Anna was a young Inuit girl who lived in a small village in the Arctic.

Anna, an Inuit girl in a snowy village

One winter day, Anna's father took her out into the snowy tundra to teach her how to build an igloo.

Anna and her father in the snowy tundra

Her father showed Anna how to pack blocks of snow and carefully stack them on top of each other.

Anna learning to pack snow blocks

They worked together all day, the temperature dropping as the sun set behind the snowy mountains.

Anna and her father working in the cold

As the igloo grew taller, Anna's father taught her how to hollow out the inside to make a cozy space.

Anna hollowing out the igloo interior

After hours of hard work, they finally finished the igloo. Anna felt a sense of accomplishment!

Anna and her father celebrating their finished igloo

That night, Anna slept inside the igloo for the first time. It was quiet, warm, and peaceful.

Anna sleeping inside the igloo

She woke up the next morning to find the igloo covered in a blanket of fresh snow.

The igloo covered in fresh snow

Anna and her father went outside to play in the snow, but they knew they could always come back to their cozy igloo.

Anna and her father playing in the snow

From that day forward, Anna became known as the best igloo builder in her village.

Anna, the best igloo builder in the village

Reflection Questions

  • How did Anna feel when she finished building the igloo?
  • What did Anna and her father do the next morning?
  • How did Anna become known in her village?

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