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Ahmed at School
أحمد في المدرسة
Ahmed is a little boy who goes to school every day. He loves learning new things and playing with his friends. Today, Ahmed's teacher gave him a special job to do. She asked him to take care of her favorite plant. أحمد طفل صغير يذهب إلى المدرسة كل يوم. يحب تعلم أشياء جديدة واللعب مع أصدقائه. اليوم ، كلفه مدرس أحمد بعمل خاص ليقوم به. طلبت منه أن يعتني بنباتها المفضل.
Brown hair, blue shirt, big smile at school, green classroom, happy friends, colorful plant
Ahmed happily took the plant and placed it on his desk. He promised his teacher that he would water it every day. As Ahmed sat at his desk, he noticed that his friend Ali had a shiny toy car. Ahmed really liked it, and he wanted to play with it. أخذ أحمد النبات بسعادة ووضعه على مكتبه. لقد وعد معلمه بأن يسقيها كل يوم. وبينما كان أحمد جالسًا على مكتبه ، لاحظ أن صديقه علي لديه سيارة لعبة لامعة. لقد أحبها أحمد حقًا ، وأراد أن يلعب بها.
Brown hair, blue shirt, big smile at his desk with a plant, Black hair, red shirt, friendly face with a shiny toy car
Instead of focusing on his job, Ahmed thought of taking the toy car without asking. He knew it was wrong, but he really wanted to play with it. Ahmed's heart started to feel heavy, and he knew he had to make a choice. بدلاً من التركيز على وظيفته ، فكر أحمد في أخذ سيارة اللعبة دون أن يطلب ذلك. كان يعلم أنه خطأ ، لكنه أراد حقًا اللعب بها. بدأ قلب أحمد يشعر بالثقل ، وكان يعلم أن عليه الاختيار.
Brown hair, blue shirt, big smile thinking about taking the toy car, red heart
Ahmed took a deep breath and remembered the importance of honesty. He knew that he should ask Ali if he could play with the toy car. Ahmed went up to Ali and told him how much he liked the car. Then, he asked if he could play with it for a little while. أخذ أحمد نفسا عميقا وتذكر أهمية الصدق. كان يعلم أنه يجب أن يسأل علي عما إذا كان يمكنه اللعب بسيارة اللعبة. صعد أحمد إلى علي وأخبره كم أحب السيارة. ثم سأل عما إذا كان يمكنه اللعب بها لفترة قصيرة.
Brown hair, blue shirt, big smile talking to Black hair, red shirt, friendly face, smiling faces, shiny toy car
Ali smiled and said, 'Of course, Ahmed! You can play with it for a while.' Ahmed felt happy because he had been honest and made the right choice. He played with the toy car and had a great time with his friends. Ahmed kept his promise and watered the plant too. ابتسم علي وقال: طبعا أحمد! يمكنك اللعب بها لفترة من الوقت. شعر أحمد بالسعادة لأنه كان صادقًا واتخذ القرار الصحيح. لعب بسيارة اللعبة وقضى وقتًا رائعًا مع أصدقائه. حافظ أحمد على وعده وسقى النبات أيضًا.
Brown hair, blue shirt, big smile playing with the toy car, happy faces, Ahmed watering the plant

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ahmed feel happy after he asked Ali if he could play with the car?
  • What was Ahmed's special job at school?
  • Why is it important to be honest?

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