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Ahmed's Colorful Garden

Ahmed loved flowers and wanted his own garden.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. holds a basket and smiles happily

He planted seeds of different colors and shapes.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. digs holes with a watering can nearby

One night, a curious bird came to Ahmed's garden.

A colorful bird with big eyes looks around

The bird found a hidden jar of magical paint.

The bird holds a jar of glowing paint

Excited, the bird started painting the flowers.

The bird paints flowers with bright colors

When Ahmed saw the painted flowers, he was amazed.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls.'s eyes widen in surprise and wonder

But then he remembered the story his dad told.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. holds his head with a worried expression

His dad said, 'Always be honest, no matter what.'

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. thinks while his dad's words echo

Ahmed decided to tell his dad about the painted flowers.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. and his dad have a serious talk

Together, they washed off the magical paint.

A boy with a big smile and blue overalls. and his dad clean the flowers gently

Reflection Questions

  • What did Ahmed love and want in his backyard?
  • Why did Ahmed decide to tell his dad about the painted flowers?
  • What did Ahmed and his dad do together?

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