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Ahmed's Visit to the Traditional Crafts and Industries Center
زيارة أحمد لمركز الحرف والصناعات التقليدية
Ahmed was excited to visit the traditional crafts center. كان أحمد متحمسا لزيارة مركز الحرف التقليدية.
Ahmed smiling, holding a map and pointing forward
He saw people making beautiful pottery. رأى الناس يصنعون الفخار الجميل.
A potter sitting at a wheel, shaping clay pots
Ahmed talked to the potter and asked how to make pottery. تحدث أحمد إلى الفخاري وسأل عن كيفية صنع الفخار.
Ahmed and the potter talking, clay pots on a shelf
Ahmed moved on and discovered the art of weaving. انتقل أحمد واكتشف فن النسيج.
A weaver using a loom to create a colorful fabric
He asked the weaver if he could try weaving too. سأل الحائك عما إذا كان يمكنه محاولة النسيج أيضًا.
Ahmed holding a thread, the weaver guiding his hand
Ahmed found a woodworker carving a beautiful piece. وجد أحمد عامل خشب ينحت قطعة جميلة.
A woodworker with a chisel and a wooden sculpture
He watched closely and learned some carving techniques. راقب عن كثب وتعلم بعض تقنيات النحت.
Ahmed observing, wood chips flying from the sculpting
Finally, Ahmed thanked everyone for their time and knowledge. وأخيراً شكر أحمد الجميع على وقتهم ومعرفتهم.
Ahmed waving and saying goodbye, crafts in the background

Reflection Questions

  • What did Ahmed see people making at the crafts center?
  • What did Ahmed ask the potter?
  • How did Ahmed show gratitude at the end of his visit?

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