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Ajay and Vijay's Flower Adventure

Once upon a time, there were twin brothers named Ajay and Vijay.

Two boys playing in a colorful garden

Ajay was kind and caring, always looking out for others.

Kind-hearted with a big smile and warm colors. with a big heart and gentle smile

Vijay, on the other hand, was selfish and only cared about himself.

Mischievous with a sly grin and darker shades. with a mischievous grin and closed fists

One sunny day, their father decided to take them to a flower gardening exhibition.

Family walking towards a vibrant flower exhibition

Ajay was fascinated by all the beautiful flowers and started smelling them one by one.

Kind-hearted with a big smile and warm colors. surrounded by colorful flowers, sniffing them with joy

Vijay was more interested in the shiny prizes and toys being sold at the exhibition.

Mischievous with a sly grin and darker shades. with eyes fixated on the toy stall, ignoring the flowers

As Ajay explored the exhibition, he met a sad little girl who had lost her parents.

Kind-hearted with a big smile and warm colors. comforting a crying girl with a tear-stained face

With his caring nature, Ajay helped the girl find her parents and made her smile.

Kind-hearted with a big smile and warm colors. holding the little girl's hand, leading her to her parents

Reflection Questions

  • How would you describe Ajay's personality? What kind of person is he?
  • How did Vijay behave at the flower exhibition? What were his interests?
  • What did Ajay do to help the little girl who was lost?

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