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Akbar and Birbal's Clever Solution

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Akbar and Birbal, there was a great problem to solve.

The story begins in a majestic palace, with colorful decorations and tall pillars. King A wise and kind king with a long white beard, with his long white beard, and his clever advisor A clever advisor with a colorful turban who always finds solutions, wearing a colorful turban, pondered over a challenging situation.

The kingdom was facing a severe drought, and the crops were dying. The people were worried and came to King Akbar for help.

The second page shows the kingdom's vast fields, with dry cracked soil and wilted plants. The people, with sad expressions on their faces, gather around King A wise and kind king with a long white beard's throne, hoping for a solution.

Birbal had a brilliant idea to solve the problem. He suggested digging a deep well in the city and connecting it to the river so that water could be pumped into the fields.

On the third page, A clever advisor with a colorful turban who always finds solutions can be seen discussing his plan with a group of workers. They all have shovels and buckets, ready to start digging the well. The city's beautiful river can be seen in the background.

The plan worked, and soon water flowed into the fields. The crops grew, and the people were happy once again.

The fourth page depicts the flourishing fields with lush green crops. The people can be seen celebrating their bountiful harvest with music and dance.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the people felt when their crops were dying?
  • Why do you think Birbal's plan was successful in solving the problem?
  • What other challenges do you think Akbar and Birbal could face together?

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