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Akin Discovers the Animal World
Akin descobre o mundo animal
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Akin. One sunny day, while playing in his backyard, Akin found a magical book. As soon as he opened it, he was transported into a whole new world! Era uma vez um menino chamado Akin. Um dia ensolarado, enquanto brincava em seu quintal, Akin encontrou um livro mágico. Assim que ele abriu, ele foi transportado para um mundo totalmente novo!
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. finds a magical book in his backyard, sunny day.
In this new world, Akin met animals he had never seen before. He saw a tall giraffe with a long neck and spots, a bright yellow bird that could fly really high, and a furry little brown rabbit that could hop really fast! Neste novo mundo, Akin conheceu animais que nunca tinha visto antes. Ele viu uma girafa alta com pescoço comprido e manchas, um pássaro amarelo brilhante que podia voar muito alto e um coelhinho marrom peludo que podia pular muito rápido!
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. meets a giraffe, a bird, and a rabbit in the new world.
Akin was amazed by all the different animals and their unique abilities. He saw a fish swimming gracefully in the water, a strong elephant with a long trunk, and a colorful butterfly fluttering its wings. Akin ficou maravilhado com todos os diferentes animais e suas habilidades únicas. Ele viu um peixe nadando graciosamente na água, um elefante forte com uma longa tromba e uma borboleta colorida batendo suas asas.
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. sees a fish, an elephant, and a butterfly with colorful wings.
As Akin continued exploring, he discovered even more animals. He found a slow-moving turtle with a hard shell, a playful monkey swinging from trees, and a big lion with a loud roar! Conforme Akin continuou explorando, ele descobriu ainda mais animais. Ele encontrou uma tartaruga lenta com uma carapaça dura, um macaco brincalhão balançando nas árvores e um grande leão com um rugido alto!
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. finds a turtle, a monkey, and a lion in his adventure.
Akin couldn't believe how diverse and amazing the animal world was. From tiny ants to gigantic whales, each creature had something special. He felt lucky to have seen so many incredible animals in one day. Akin não conseguia acreditar como o mundo animal era diverso e incrível. De pequenas formigas a gigantescas baleias, cada criatura tinha algo especial. Ele se sentiu sortudo por ter visto tantos animais incríveis em um dia.
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. finds the animal world diverse and amazing.
After his wonderful adventure, Akin closed the magical book and found himself back in his own backyard. He realized that even in his world, there were animals to discover and learn about. Akin promised himself to always appreciate and respect the animal world. Após sua maravilhosa aventura, Akin fechou o livro mágico e se viu de volta em seu próprio quintal. Ele percebeu que, mesmo em seu mundo, havia animais para descobrir e aprender. Akin prometeu a si mesmo sempre apreciar e respeitar o mundo animal.
Little boy with curly hair and a big smile. closes the magical book and promises to appreciate animals.

Reflection Questions

  • Did Akin find the magical book in his backyard?
  • Can you tell me about one animal Akin met?
  • What did Akin promise to do after his adventure?

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